Mastering Harmony: Navigating Yoga Class Etiquette for a Fulfilling Practice
Whether you are about to attend your first yoga class or you are already an experienced yogi, a quick refresher on yoga class etiquette is always beneficial. While some rules of etiquette are a given, such as showing up to class on time and refraining from chatting during class, there are some others that you may not realize you may be breaking.
No Phone Usage During Class
These days, it can be hard to part with our cell phones, even for just an hour. However, a lot of yoga teachers prohibit the use of phones during classes to prevent class recordings, which is typically frowned upon, unless otherwise stated by your own instructor. If you use your phone during class without the intention of recording though, your instructor or classmates may think otherwise.
While talking on a phone in a class may seem like an obvious no-no, you may not realize that texting and other silent messaging can be a distraction to other classmates. Remember, everyone comes to the yoga class to disconnect from distractions, and using your phone will not only affect you but potentially others around you. That being said, it’s best to keep your phone in your car or bag (on silent mode) while you are on your mat.
Come to Class Clean
While you might prefer showering after class, consider doing so before if possible. You should also refrain from wearing strong perfumes that could cause issues with other students, especially students who may have asthma or other breathing conditions.
Traditionally, yogis are encouraged to wash their feet before stepping onto their mats. Before class begins, you can do this by using a wet wipe or just a clean towel on your feet to keep clean.
Be Mindful of Pose Modifications
While most yoga teachers encourage students to settle into each pose in a way that works for them, that doesn’t mean you should choose to do an entirely different pose than the rest of the class. While in class, you should view yourself as part of a larger group, like a player in an NFL team, and work alongside your teammates, not against them.
When you choose to do your own poses in a yoga class, you can affect the mindset and energy of other students, even if you don’t mean to. The whole class works off of one collective energy, and you can disturb that energy when you do not contribute to it.
Be Respectful of Your Space
Where you place your mat before class begins can give or take away from the room’s energy as class proceeds. For example, if you know you need to leave the yoga room early, you should choose a place in the back of the room or near the door so that you can leave without disturbing others. If you typically choose a place in front to be near the instructor, consider changing things up and moving to another place to give other students a chance to use that space.
The way you arrange your space before class impacts the overall atmosphere. For example, if you try to take up a lot of space to keep other students from settling down next to you, you may come across as unwelcoming. Hence, avoid placing your bag right next to you so that others can sit or move comfortably around.
Yoga classes have many unspoken rules, and it’s sometimes challenging to recognize when we may unintentionally stray from them. However, by avoiding phone usage. coming to class clean, being aware of pose modifications and contributing positively to the energy of the room, you can make the session a great experience for fellow yogis.